Every snowflake is unique in its own way. Some people prefer big, fat, wet ones, while others prefer the fine, powdery ones. But at the end of the day, most of us just want to play with them. However, catching snowflakes without mittens can lead to some life changing consequences.
At MyONE Custom Fit condoms, our Size Specialists are always finding new ways to help customers find the perfect mitten for their member… if you know what we mean. The benefits of a property fitting condom go far beyond protection. When you wear the right fit, you and your partner can enjoy sexual contact with the same amount of pleasure, plus the peace of mind of knowing you're safe.
Our Fitcode (size code) measuring system makes finding the right fit simple, but we still receive loads of questions about how to measure for the most accurate results. See our condom size chart here.
We want to make measuring as easy and effective as possible, we put together our most frequently asked measuring questions below. Have one to add? Contact us!
1. How is a condom supposed to fit in the first place?

Proper condom fit is the combination of the right condom length and width.
So what does a great condom fit feel like? For length, a properly fitting condom should be long enough so that it covers the entire penis shaft from base to tip for maximum protection against sexually transmitted infections. But the condom should not be so long that there’s a lot of extra latex that either bunches at the base (often causing discomfort and erection loss, like a tight rubber band) or hangs off at the tip. Standard condoms are 7 inches, too long for 91% of people.
When it comes to width, the condom should be snug enough so that it stays on comfortably but not so tight that it feels like your penis is experiencing instant erection loss or the dreaded “red ring of death.”
It may surprise you to learn that the perfect condom will not be exactly the same size and shape as the penis. For the best fit possible, MyONE recommends a condom slightly longer and slightly snugger than the penis itself. That way you get full coverage from base to tip, and also so that the condom will stay on properly. All MyONE FitCode recommendations, including our FitKit and Enter My Measurements tool run on a proper fit formula that accounts for this already.
There’s no surer way to kill the mood than with a super tight or baggy condom. All penises deserve comfort! Proper condom fit makes all the difference for comfort, confidence, and pleasure.
2. What if I don’t have a flexible measuring tape or a string?

Now that you know just how important proper condom fit is, you’re probably wondering how you can experience it for yourself. The best way to find your FitCode and become a part of the Pickle Protection Club is to measure using one of our FitKits®! We have a printable version of the FitKit here, and the FitKit is also included in all 2-count sample kits and the new MyONE 3-count quick samplers.
On the FitKit: First you’ll measure circumference/girth in the Girth Number codes, for example 45 or 60. Then you’ll measure length in the Length Letters, such as C or F. Then you’ll combine your Girth Number with your Length Letter to get your FitCode, such as 45C.
But we know not everyone has access to a printer, and some of our customers have expressed concerns over using a piece of paper in such a sensitive area. If you can’t print out a FitKit® or you simply don’t feel comfortable using it, then it’s time to bust out a ruler and a piece of paper.
Use the ruler to first measure penis length from base to tip. Because most rulers can’t bend around a penis to measure circumference, here’s where the piece of paper (or a shoelace, headphone cord, string, etc comes in handy). Wrap the piece of paper around your erection, and mark with a pen where it overlaps. Then voila! You can use the ruler to measure the piece of paper to get your penis circumference. Then enter your penis length and circumference measurements in our Enter My Measurements tool.
You can also of course measure penis length and circumference with a measuring tape (fancy!), but we understand a lot of people don’t have those in their toolkit.
3. What if I can’t keep it up?
Still, some people may find it hard to stay…well hard. At first glance, measuring your penis doesn’t seem to be the most exciting and sexually stimulating idea. But it’s extremely important that your penis is in the same state when you measure that it will be when it’s being used. Otherwise, you may end up with a FitCode that is not only too snug but also too short for you.
No fear, there are a lot of ways to make measuring comfortable and fun! You could turn up the sexy music and serenade your member, maybe even take a hot shower with our laminated FitKit. It doesn’t hurt to add some visual support either from your favorite website.
Many people will get their partner involved with the measuring process (why we invented Measure A Penis Day), which really spices things up and can open some really important conversation about sexual health and enjoyment. As long as you are comfortable and stimulated, the journey to your perfect fit will be easy!
4. What if my penis has a curve?

At this point we all know what a condom is supposed to fit like, how to measure it, and how to prepare for the process. However, everyone has a unique experience once the rubber hits the road. In this case, we’re talking about curved penises! Whether it goes up, down, left, or right, there is a perfect fit out there for everyone.
The most important thing to take into consideration when measuring a curved penis is to ensure the condom will cover the entire length of the shaft. In order to receive the correct recommendation, you need to measure from the longest side of the curve.
Our FitKit can be a little difficult to maneuver along a curve so if you’re having trouble keeping it level and accurate, we recommend measuring your length with a string, phone charger, or headphone wire – and measuring that with a ruler. Then comparing it against the FitKit.
As always, if you’re still struggling to reach an accurate measurement then you can always reach out to our Size Specialists for personalized assistance!
5. What if I’m uncircumcised?
The times they are a changin’, and foreskins are really happy about it. 80.5% of males in the US aged 14-59 are circumcised. However, the most recent information from the CDC highlights the fact that “across the 32-year period from 1979 through 2010, the national rate of newborn circumcision declined 10% overall, from 64.5% to 58.3%” And despite the fact that tens of millions of Americans are not circumcised, there is little guidance or education for them centered around sexual wellness and harm reduction.
When it comes to measuring, our general recommendation is that those with a ‘larger’ foreskin add a length letter to their recommended FitCode to ensure a comfortable fit. For example, if you measure to 51D then 51E could be the better fit. This is to help ensure the condom is long enough, in case the foreskin causes the condom to move back and forth a bit while in use.
However, this is a very subjective process. Some people prefer to retract the foreskin before using the condom, while others may leave theirs at the natural resting point. This is completely up to the individual (read more via Planned Parenthood), whatever you prefer comfort and sensitivity wise will not impact the efficacy or safety of the condom. But you do have to take that into account when measuring. So if you have a ‘larger’ foreskin and do not retract it prior to using a condom, adding a length letter to your FitCode will definitely improve your experience. Similarly, if you are on the larger side and prefer to retract your foreskin prior to use, then it might be wise to go up a width to account for that.
Regardless of your specific situation, as long as you measure your penis in the state it will be in when you plan to use the condom and include your foreskin in the measurements you should be all set!
6. What if I have a unique head?

Just because you’re circumcised doesn’t mean your tip isn’t unique! We receive questions from people with heads of all different shapes and sizes. The most common are the classic ‘mushroom’ tip and the tapered tip. Both of these influence girth measurements far more than length. The solution is very simple and in fact much more prevalent than you would think. Read on to learn more.
7. What if my penis has different thicknesses along the shaft?

That’s right, number 6 & 7 are connected, just like the shaft and the head. Generally, we ask our customers to measure their girth from the base of the penis. However, many penises have differing thickness from the top to the bottom.
Whether the main discrepancy is on the head or smack dab in the middle of the shaft, the most important thing is to always measure from the thickest point. This is to ensure that the condom will not be too tight and impact circulation. If you find that measuring from the thickest point will lead to you selecting a condom that is simply too loose to stay on during use, then the failsafe strategy we recommend is to use averages. To do this, simply measure from the thinnest spot and the thickest spot, add the measurements together, and then divide by 2 to find your average girth.
Unfortunately all of our MyONE FitCode are only available in a classic straight-walled style at the moment. We are hoping to one day have a tapered option available for people with girth discrepancies. However with these strategies, everyone should be able to find a perfect fit.
Don’t forget: Once you find your FitCode, the website will prompt you to get samples. The 2-count sample kit includes the size you measured plus another close size. This way you can test before you buy. But! If you find neither is a great fit, contact our Size Specialists. They will recommend and send a free sample kit of another size based on your experience.
8. How do I measure length if I have a significant ‘fat-pad’ on my pelvis?
Just as penises come in countless unique shapes and sizes, so does the human body. When it comes to getting the right FitCode, we’re really only concerned with the pelvis. So many of you have reached out regarding bone-pressed vs. non bone-pressed length. Many people choose to measure their bone-pressed length. This means that they place a ruler on the top of their penis shaft and push it back into their pubic bone or ‘fat-pad’ and record their penis length as the measurement from the bone all the way to the tip of the glans.
Many scholarly studies on erect penis length use this method to gather their data. According to one study conducted in a leading sexual health journal, “Measuring penile length from pubic bone to tip of glans is more accurate and reliable, the discrepancy being most notable in overweight patients.”
However, the most important thing to us is not penis size, but condom fit. That’s why we recommend against using the bone-pressed method to measure length. The perfect fitting condom will not have coverage all the way to the pubic bone, but to the base of the penis itself where it meets that ‘fat-pad’ on your pelvis. Still confused about what bone-pressed means? Learn all of MyONE’s terminology from our blog post, “MyONE Dic(k)tionary: Find Your Custom Condom Size.”
9. What if I’m in between length/girth measurements?

By this point you’re prepared for every possible bump in the road, but what if you measure yourself properly and find that you’re smack dab in the middle of two lengths/girths? The best idea would be to wait a day or two and remeasure, but if you find yourself constantly unsure then the best way to find your perfect fit is to use our samplers!
Most of our two-count samplers will include the FitCode you select and another close size. You can always check the product page on myonecondoms.com to see what sizes your sampler will include. And if you can’t find that perfect fit from your first sampler, just reach out to our customer service team and they’ll send you another completely free! Sometimes it takes a few tests to find your perfect fit.
After all that if you’re still unsure then you can always use both FitCodes. Many of our customers will order multiple sizes to use at their own discretion. What’s important is that you are comfortable and that the condom’s efficacy and safety are not being impacted.
10. What if I want to measure my partner?

Unfortunately, most people don’t discuss penis measuring and condom size on a regular basis. But if you feel that your partner would benefit from MyONE you’re definitely not alone! Many of our customers will reach out looking for options when measuring just isn’t a possibility. For them we recommend our Quick Sample Kits. Each sample kit comes with 3 different sized condom samples from either our Snug, Classic, or Large condom range. Also included is our FitKit® measuring tool so you can measure & adjust your fit as needed.
But if you’re brave enough, there really is no better way to improve your intimacy than through open communication and collaboration! We recommend approaching your partner in a familiar and comfortable space and framing the conversation around pleasure, intimacy, and mutual respect. It’s always a good idea to come prepared as well, so jotting down some notes beforehand to better guide the conversation is a very effective strategy.
If your partner is feeling particularly insecure, it might help if you share that improper condom fit is an issue for the majority of people. In fact, regular condoms are too long for 91% of people and too tight for 70%. If you’re looking for more tips on how to promote intimacy and communication in your relationship then please check out our blog post from last month, “From Lust to Trust: How Condoms Promote Healthy Relationships.”
In 2020, MyONE also started Measure A Penis Day to encourage conversations about condom fit. Here’s some conversation tips from customers like you. We also have condom instructions on the website so you can avoid common condom use errors.
Ultimately, every individual is going to have a unique experience measuring themselves. Our goal with MyONE Perfect Fit is to provide everyone with the resources and understanding necessary to find the perfect condom fit, and to spread the joy and confidence that emerges as a result. One day we’ll make Size Specialists out of the entire world, but until then just keep on measuring!
Whether it’s from a ONE Condoms review, a Size Specialist customer conversation, or through our surveys - we’re always hungry for feedback so we can continue to improve the MyONE product and our condom fit education content overall. Give us a shout if you have any questions or feedback!
Final tidbit: All MyONE Condoms are latex condoms made from natural rubber latex. They are vegan-friendly, non-GMO, and FDA cleared for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancy. MyONE Condoms are also hyperthin, lubricated, and feature technologies like MicroRoll and TotalGlide.