The Global Grizzlies bring ONE® Condoms to Uganda - ONE®

The Global Grizzlies bring ONE® Condoms to Uganda

ONE® loves seeing sexual health education and resources being shared all around the world. This May, a group of undergraduate pre-health professionals from University of Montana called the "Global Grizzlies" travelled to Uganda to shadow and work with healthcare providers at the Iganga District Hospital.

With a donation from ONE® Condoms, they distributed over 5,000 condoms and informational packets over the span of four weeks — but they didn’t stop there. The students also led demonstrations on how to use a condom consistently and correctly. Condoms were even the hot topic in the maternity ward, discussing the importance of condom usage to prevent STI’s with expecting parents.

One Global Grizzly said, “Condoms are very hard to buy in the area of Uganda that we were in, and even when people can attain them, there is still a negative stigma around using them. We tried our best to get people excited about using condoms in every sexual encounter they had, preventing the spread of STI's as well as unintended pregnancies.”

Great work, Global Grizzlies! Together We Are ONE. 

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